速報APP / 攝影 / Anicom Park

Anicom Park



檔案大小:611.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Anicom Park(圖1)-速報App


此程式可讓用家與「香港動漫海濱樂園」內的漫畫角色互動,透過AR 及Facial capture技術作自拍及製作短片。另外此程式也提供園內漫畫家的介紹及相關資訊 。

Anicom Park(圖2)-速報App

This App allows user to interact with characters inside the AniCom Park, using AR and Facial capture for selfie and making video. This App also provide information of artists and Park.


Anicom Park(圖3)-速報App



Anicom Park(圖4)-速報App


Sponsored by Create Hong Kong (CreateHK) under the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, HKSAR, the Hong Kong Comics and Animation Federation (HKCAF) built the Ani-Com Park@Harbour"FUN" in 2016, focuses on promoting Hong Kong animation and comics industry. Until the end of 2018, over 3 million visitors have visited the park, winning likes and praises from tourists and comics artists, and it has become the landmark of Wanchai.

Anicom Park(圖5)-速報App

To further market the Hong Kong comics and animation industry and to attract more local citizens and tourists, the Hong Kong Comics and Animation Federation (HKCAF) has been sponsored by CreateHK and kicked off the 2nd phase development programme of the park in 2019, together with the great supports from the Tourism Commission, Wanchai District Board, related government departments and industry associations. The park was re-designed and enriched with new elements, so as to bring new experience and excitements to visitors.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad